Daems Juwelen


Import Duties and Taxes

VAT rates applied on products differ depends on the country being shipped to.

  • Pickup at one of our locations
    Local VAT is applied. However when being exported outside the EU, the VAT can be refunded after you receiving a valid proof of export.

  • Shipping outside the EU
    No VAT is applied when shipping to a country outside the European Union, however import duties and taxes may by charged by the country being shipped to. Please inform yourself by your local customs agency.

  • Shipping to another member state of the EU
    VAT rates applied depend on the member state being shipped to.

    Standard VAT rates applied in EU member countries (last updated as of 1 January 2021):

    Member State Standard VAT rate
    Austria 20%
    Belgium 21%
    Bulgaria 20%
    Cyprus 19%
    Czechia 21%
    Germany 19%
    Denmark 25%
    Estonia 20%
    Greece 24%
    Spain 21%
    Finland 24%
    France 20%
    Croatia 25%
    Hungary 27%
    Ireland 23%
    Italy 22%
    Lithuania 21%
    Luxembourg 17%
    Latvia 21%
    Malta 18%
    Netherlands 21%
    Poland 23%
    Portugal 23%
    Romania 19%
    Sweden 25%
    Slovenia 22%
    Slovakia 20%